Sunday, January 22, 2006

Fun with magnetic poetry

Many months ago, at the nadir of my recovery when I couldn't do much writing, my friend "Gladys" brought me a gift of a refrigerator magnet of the cartoon character Maxine plus a boatload of magnetized words you could have her "say." At one time I had running up and down the fridge random groups of words that either amused me or I thought would make interesting short story titles. (MEP, I think you helped with some of these). I wrote them all down in my journal so I could mix the words up and play again. Just found the journal entry today. Call it my creative gift to you. Use them to go write something, stuff fortune cookies, amuse your friends, or just go watch football and the hell with it. Your choice.

Lottery Hurry
Touch Maxine
Know Life
Remote Road
Somebody Stop Me
Those Who Annoy
Funny Boobs
Phone Sag
Ask About Our Old Hips
Been There, Do Them
Lost An Age
His Was Tiny
Nice Insult
Throw Behind Us
Are Not
Worst Beach
Best Dream
Dirt Control
Wimp Ahead
Crazy Birthday
Look For Floyd
Slow People
Sore Loser
New Gripe
Small Men
What State Are We In
Jerk Of The Year
Just Smell Here
Someplace Without Man
Drive Like Their Kid
Leave Well
No Lady
Boring Little Hot Flash
Look Under Him
Be Mine Or Else
Lottery Moon
To Hell With Getting Old
Damned Far Away


SuperWife said...

Some of those are pretty funny. Especially "Be Mine Or Else". Heh.

Reminds me of the magnetic alphabet letters my youngest had a few years back. She would play with them on the fridge. Still, at that time, much too young to make actual words. Actually, it was more to provide amusement to us and occupy her while I was in the kitchen. They disappeared shortly after my oldest's first boyfriend (she was 14 at the time)was over and spelled the word "oral" on MY refrigerator. Oh, that was it. He had to go. And so did the letters.

Laurie Boris said...

Hey, at least he could spell.

Among the other letters I got was I think what you might have been writing about, those large letters meant for kids to use on the fridge. "Gladys" brought them in ziplock bags, each containing the letters of the "classic" 4 letter words. I found a way to use them in a sentence. Now I'm grateful that I'm spelling out "I AM LUCKY" instead of what was up there before. Plus, little kids are now allowed back in our kitchen.

Anonymous said...

And the fun I had -- arranging all the little baggies of four letter words!!!!! My son, E., was the inspiration for most of them -- he didn't let himself get as far as "I AM LUCKY". Wish he had and really, really glad you did!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, then. I seem to remember more colorful phrases. Also, I couldn't resist the thought of putting these phrases together. Perhaps it will all become one big story - the first I've written in a long time. My additions, other than punctuation, are in brackets.
Lottery hurry, lottery moon, damned far away.
Touch Maxine [and] know life!
Remote road, been there, do them.
Those who annoy funny boobs [are] small men.
Phone sag, his was tiny.
Lost an age [in a] boring little hot flash.
Nice insult [to] throw behind us.
Worst beach; somebody stop me, wimp ahead!
Best dream, crazy birthday, leave well!
Dirt control [by] slow people.
Look for floyd [or] just smell here.
Sore looser, are not, am.
New gripe - ask about our old hips.
What state are we in? Someplace without man.
Jerk of the year [is] no lady!
Be mine or else look under him.
To hell with getting old, drive like their kid!

Laurie Boris said...

Awesome, MEP! Better than Bukowsky! ;)

Get thee to the next poetry slam!

And keep writing!