Friday, March 09, 2007

This Is No Idol Threat...

What he...and could....HOW COULD THIS HAVE HAPPENED?

OK. Everyone who voted for Sanjaya on Tuesday. Yes, you. Until you can show me that you can use your cell phones responsibly, your privileges will be recinded (that means "taken away") and all of your Justin Timberlake downloads will be removed from your iPods.

And I'm not kidding this time.

Just try me.


SuperWife said...

I've totally got your back on this one!

Laurie Boris said...

Thanks. This vote was so ridiculous that when Ryan put Sanjaya and Sundance up there together to announce who was going home, I told Husband, "OK, if Sundance gets voted off then I'm never going to watch this show again."

But sadly, I'm hooked.

So much for my Idol threats.

My next one is that if Sanjaya for some ungodly reason winds up winning, I'm going to send Simon Cowell a barrage of letters urging him to quit the show (I hear he almost quit after last season).

At least they got Antonella right. But the media was shocked....SHOCKED!!

Nate said...

Not sure what the issue is, but I see you are getting worked up over some fool 'reality TV' show. This is why I never watch the things. The only reality I want on my TV is the news, and that in small doses.

TV is for escaping reality, not immersing in it.

In reality, talent means nothings, and who you know and who you blow means almost as much as how good you look. So clearly this show you;re watching is reality. And it's obviously infuriating. So why willingly subject yourself to yet more frustrating reality that you can't change?

Flip the channel to something decent, like Family Guy or Aqua Teen Hunger force. Hell, even the wretchedly unwatchable Seinfeld is better than reality. At least on that show bad things sometimes happen to bad people, often with whacky results.

Laurie Boris said...

As Cynthia Nixon's character in "Sex and the City" said, when razzed about her tabloid addiction, "It's my thing. Let it go."

Nate said...
